The next day should be very interesting. The course length is 13,3 km and the terrain is more hilly. Due to yesterday's result I started in the beginning. And it means that I will not see the paths of other runners.
The tactic for the final was the same. I began very easy, probably too easy. And than I have got good contact with the terrain and the map.
After the 1st long leg I took a drink and I became totally unfocused, I haven't a direction, I didn't know the object To find. +2 min.
I have refocused myself and made good route choices without any problems. Even I made some best split-times. :-)
Analyzing my race I can say that my resources were empty by the 11th control. The leg to #12 is about 150 meters. But I have done a terrible mistake. My brains weren't using logical solutions. On the way back to #11 I met Joakim, following him I was surprising. We were running exactly the same route I have run some minutes ago. The control was just behind the bush. :-(
I tried to follow Joakim, then Mats Troeng. And it totally killed me.
I was thinking to brake the race but I decided to finish it. **
The rest part of the race I walked and jogged. I haven't mistakes any more.
And I finished my first SM!! :-)
** - the experience I have got when I was 12 don't let me brake the races, never.